- What did you do in 2011 that you have never done before?
– Went home to the Philippines as a balikbayan;
– Sang with the ACS at the Cultural Center of the Philippines with the Gaia Philharmonic Choir (Japan) and the SYC Ensemble Singers (Singapore) for the TATLO: A Choral Celebration;
– Took the same flight from Manila to Paris (and vice-versa the year before) with the hubby;
– Started Project 365 and writing here (yay!);
– Applied for a titre de séjour;
– Joined Gawad Kalinga (GK) Europe-France as Secretary of the Board;
– Watched a piano concert at the Cité International Universitaire de Paris;
– Visited Musée de Cluny and Le Petit Palais;
– Joined Discover Walks - Paris (Latin Quarter and Right Bank) and SANDEMANs New Paris (FREE) Tour;
– Spent Pete's birthday very close to nature at Le Nid Dans L'Arbre;
– Visited the Pierrefonds Castle;
– Visited Dunkerque, the city where Pete was born, and stayed at his maternal grandparents' home;
– Organized the Ateneo College Glee Club's (ACGC) stay in Paris (Tita/Ate mode!);
– Worked at UNESCO;
– Travelled to the United Kingdom via Calais (car and ferry);
– Took the "See London by Night Tour";
– Hosted three Pinoy events (Pista sa Paris, Mutya ng Paris and Search for the SMDC Endorser-Paris)
– (Remotely) Hosted 5 dear friends in our love nest;
– Got married in church;
– Had a (wedding) party in a manade;
– Explored the South of France with my family (Arles & Tarascon, Manosque, Gordes, Lourdes, Carcassonne, Nîmes, Aigues-Mortes and Avignon);
– Tried Lebanese cuisine (twice!);
– Taught "Do-Re-Mi" from "The Sound of Music" as a group number;
– Sang for UNESCO's Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize Ceremony with the UNESCO Choir;
– Visited Jim, a dear friend, in Barcelona;
– Spent time with Fr. Ben Nebres, S.J. and more than 20 other visitors in Paris;
– Visited St. Bernadette's "internally incorrupt" body in Nevers twice;
– Watched an authentic French cancan performance;
– Helped organize and sang in a concert (Pasko sa Paris: A Pinoy Jam Christmas Concert) at the Philippine Embassy;
– Celebrated the entire Christmas season in France;
– Cooked pansit for Pete's family (and they loved it!);
– Spent time with Pete's Mom's side of the family thrice (wedding, Mami's 90th birthday celebration and Christmas) - Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't have any, but I will surely keep this "12 Really Stupid Things I Never Want To Do Again" article of Rev. James Martin, S.J. handy. - Did anyone close to you give birth?
– Elaine gave birth to cutie baby Ice in April. This photo is c/o Tita Nanoo.
– Come June, Julie, another good friend, gave birth to baby Joanna. - Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully, no. - What countries did you visit?
– Philippines
– United Kingdom
– South of France
– Spain - What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
A full-time job. - What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 30, the date of our church wedding in Pete's village in the South of France. - What was your biggest achievement/s of the year?
Besides improving our humble love nest and being a wife to my wonderful husband...
– Having the ACGC in Paris and Deepa wonderfully wrote about the experience here;
– Finally having the opportunity to work at UNESCO;
– Being able to help out the Filipino community here the best way I can; - What was your biggest failure?
Not really a failure, but I could've explored other job opportunities instead of being TOO focused on UNESCO. - Did you suffer illness or injury?
Thank God that there was nothing major... just slight fever, colds or cough. - What was the best thing you bought?
It also happens to be our biggest purchase for the year and our Christmas gift to ourselves, the Kangen Water machine. - Whose behavior merited celebration?
My dear Pete-Pete and I would have to say his Mom. Not really for a particular behavior, but for all the work she did for our church wedding. - What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The possibility of moving to a bigger apartment and (finally) having a baby. - What song/s will always remind you of 2011?
– Pitbull's "Rain Over Me" featuring Mark Anthony because Pete and I had a good long laugh one morning over breakfast when he told me that he dreamt about it.
– The songs played during our first dance: Dire Strait's "Romeo & Juliet" and Rajaton's "Butterfly" - Compared to this time last year, are you
– happier or sadder? Happier!
– thinner or fatter? Same-same...
– richer or poorer? Richer, I suppose... - What do you wish you’d done more of?
– Take advantage of visiting museums in Paris every 1st Sunday of the month;
– Cook/Bake;
– Exercise - What do you wish you’d done less of?
Hmmm... probably watch my favorite TV series, but I'm not regretting it. :p - How did you spend Christmas?
Pete and I went to the South and spent the holidays with his family. It was quite special because after 5 long years, they are complete once again. - Did you fall in love in 2011?
I stayed in love. - What was your favorite TV program?
When I had time, I was hooked on CSI (Vegas, Miami & New York), House and Glee. New discoveries were How I Met Your Mother and Game of Thrones. - What was your greatest musical discovery?
Dream Theater - What did you want and get?
These! - What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 33. I didn't feel like throwing a party so I just had a nice quiet dinner with the love of my life at his favorite Tex-Mex resto. - Who did you miss?
Naturally my family in Batangas, my Ateneo and ACS families and all my friends who are not in Paris and are instead scattered all over the world.
ACS photo c/o John Cas from last December 23's annual Christmas Concert and Simbanggabi at the Church of the Gesù, the UCPRO one's c/o Ninang Sonia Araneta, the mother hen of this bunch of ladies and the OUDAR & Fr. Ben ones were emailed to me. - Who was the best new person you met?
– UNESCO friends
– Pinoy Jam group - Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
This particular "Fall in Love" quote from Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. continues to guide me in how I've been living my life...
"Nothing is more practical than finding God,
that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination will affect everything.
It will decide what will get you out of bed in the mornings,
what you will do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends,
what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything."
Cheers to a better and happier 2012 from our home to yours!